At Conisbrough Ivanhoe Primary Academy we believe that HRE (Health and Relationships Education) contributes to all aspects of school life, by equipping children with the skills, knowledge and understanding to lead confident, happy, healthy, independent and productive lives. Our curriculum ensures our pupils are prepared for the challenges and opportunities ahead as they grow up in an increasingly complex world. Learning about keeping themselves safe on and offline, fostering respectful relationships, developing economic understanding, health (including mental health) and developing resilience and self-efficacy will ensure our pupils become successful adults who make a positive contribution to society.
Our curriculum covers the following areas:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Family and Relationships
- Safety and the Changing Body
- Citizenship
- Economic Wellbeing
From September 2020 it was statutory for all schools to teach relationships (and sex) education/RSE and Health Education/ HE. Children, throughout the school, will learn about healthy friendships and relationships, keeping themselves safe from abuse, different family structures, physical and mental well-being, gender stereotypes and basic first aid. To teach these areas well and ensure that all content is age appropriate the curriculum has been carefully planned and sequenced using the Kapow primary curriculum.
Sex education is still advisory at primary school and many aspects are delivered through the science curriculum (i.e.) naming body parts accurately, changes during puberty; these elements are statutory. Where possible, the school nursing team come in to school to conduct sessions which support the children’s learning. The sex education lessons delivered in Year 6 (by the school nursing team) that focus on sexual intercourse are not statutory and parents have the right to withdraw their children from these.
Please see the documents below for information on what your child/ren will be taught.
If you have any questions or queries, please email: