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Year 5

Attenborough Class


Goodall Class


We are pleased to have this opportunity to extend a warm welcome you and your child into Year 5 and to introduce the team. The year group consists of two classes, Lemmings whose class teacher is Miss Cartwright and Lemurs whose teacher is Miss Ashcroft. Throughout the year group we have two incredible Learning support assistants; Mrs Regan and Mrs Haines who provide fantastic support within our learning environment.

Throughout this year, your child will continuously build on previous encouragement to take ownership and independence of their learning as well as working towards becoming resilient and critical thinkers within the classroom to thrive throughout their educational journey. During their time in Year 5, we will be focusing on assisting your child to develop their learning, skills and knowledge in preparation for them moving forward into the highest end of KS2. Please support your child by encouraging them to complete weekly reads, homework and regular Times Table Rock stars sessions to consolidate their learning outside of the classroom.

At Ivanhoe, we are passionate about ensuring that children are given the opportunities to read as we value it highly. We have a great emphasis on reading for pleasure as we believe that reading is they key to opening the door of success. We now use online reading records to monitor reading at home, the Boom reader offers some fabulous and engaging incentives for the children. Alongside this we also have our weekly draw in our new book vending machine where your child can win a book to keep!

Our belief is that working together, can help ensure that your child will reach their full potential. We communicate most things through Class DOJO, keeping you updated on what we are up to as a school but also in our classrooms. We also have a learner of the week assembly which is held on a Monday, if your child is selected you are invited to come and celebrate their learning success with them.

Here’s to an incredible year!



Contact Us

Conisbrough Ivanhoe Primary Academy, Old Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN12 3LR

01709 862307

01709 861633

Paper copies of any documents available upon request.